Inbar, M., Genzer, S., Perry, A., Grossman, E. and Landau A. N. (2023)
Intonation Units in Spontaneous Speech Evoke a Neural Response
Journal of Neuroscience, 43 (48) 8189-8200.
Karvat, G., Ofir., N., and Landau, A. N. (2023)
A Role for Bottom-Up Alpha Oscillations in Temporal Integration
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
Karvat, G. and Landau, A. N. (2023)
Sensory Drive Modifies Brain Dynamics and the Temporal Integration Window
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
Kusnir, F., Pesin, S. and Landau A. N. (2023).
Hello from the other side: Robust contralateral inteference in tactile detection.
Attention Perception and Psychophysics.
[previous version on: BioRxiv]
Re D., Karvat, G. and Landau A. N. (2023).
Rhythmic sampling among eye-channels
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 35 (8): 1350–1360.
Snapiri L., Kaplan Y., Shalev N., and Landau A. N. (2023).
Rhythmic modulation of visual discrimination is linked toindividuals’spontaneous motor tempo
European Journal of Neuroscience 1– 11.
Re D., Tosato T., Fries P., and Landau A. N. (2022).
Perplexity about periodicity repeats perpetually: A response to Brookshire
Ofir N., Landau A. N. (2022).
Neural signatures of evidence accumulation in temporal decisions
Current Biology 32(18), 4093-4100.
Bogaerts L., Richter, G. C., Landau A. N. and Frost, R. (2020).
Beta-Band Activity Is a Signature of Statistical Learning.
Journal of Neuroscience 40(39), 7523-7530.
Kusnir, F., Pesin, S., Moscona, G. and Landau A. N. (2020).
When temporal certainty doesn't help.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. available here.
Inbar, M., Grossman, E., and Landau, A. N. (2020).
Sequences of Intonation Units Form a 1 Hz Rhythm.
Scientific Reports.
[Earlier version: BioRxiv]
Grossman, S., Guata, C., Pesin, S., Malach, R., and Landau, A. N. (2019).
Where does time go when you blink?
Psychological Science.
Media: BPS Research Digest; VICE
[Earlier version: BioRxiv]
Re, D., Inbar M., Richter., C. G. and Landau A. N. (2019).
Attention samples features rhythmically.
Current Biology 29(4), 693-699.
Landau, A. N. (2018).
Neuroscience: a neural mechanism for rhythmic sampling.
Current Biology 28(15), 830–832.
Herbst, S. K., & Landau, A. N. (2016).
Rhythms for cognition: the case of temporal processing.
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 8, 85–93.
Landau, A. N., Schreyer, H. M., van Pelt and S. Fries, P. (2015).
Distributed attention is implemented through theta-rhythmic gamma modulation.
Current Biology.
Prinzmetal, W., Whiteford, K. L., Austerweil, J. L., and Landau, A. N. (2015).
Spatial Attention and Environmental Information.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.
Cain, M. S., Shimamura, A. P., Prinzmetal W. and Landau, A. N. (2014).
Improved control of exogenous attention in action video game players.
Frontiers in Psychology.
Landau, A. N. and Fries, P. (2012).
Attention samples stimuli rhythmically.
Current Biology, 22(11), 1000-1004.
Kosovicheva, A. A., Sheremata, S. L., Rokem, A., Landau, A. N., and Silver M. A. (2012).
Cholinergic enhancement reduces orientation-specific surround suppression but not visual crowding.
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.
Cain, M. S., Landau, A. N., & Shimamura, A. P. (2012).
Action video game experience reduces the cost of switching tasks.
Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 74(4) 641-647.
Landau, A. N., Elwan, D., Holtz, S. and Prinzmetal, W. (2012).
Voluntary and involuntary attention vary as a function of impulsivity.
Psychonomics Bulletin and Review, 19(3), 405-411.
Rokem, A., Landau, A. N., Prinzmetal, W., Wallace, D. L., Silver, M. A. and D’Esposito, M. (2012).
Modulation of inhibition of return by the dopamine D2 receptor agonist bromocriptine depends on individual DAT1 genotype.
Cerebral Cortex, 22, 1133-1138.
*Landau A. N., *List A., Brooks, J.L., Flevaris, A., Fortenbaugh, F., Esterman M., VanVleet, T., Albrecht, A., Alvarez, B., Robertson, L. C. and Schendel, K. (2011).
Shifting attention in viewer- and object-based reference frames after unilateral brain injury.
Neuropsychologia, 49, 2090-2096.
* ANL and AL contributed equally to this work.
Labruna, L., Fernandez-del-Olmo, M., Landau, A. N., Duque, J., and Ivry, R. B. (2011).
Modulation of the motor system during visual and auditory language processing.
Experimental Brain Research, 211(2), 243-250.
Landau, A. N., Aziz-Zadeh, L., and Ivry, R. B. (2010).
The Influence of Language on Perception: Listening to Sentences about Faces Affects the Perception of Faces.
Journal of Neuroscience, 30(45), 15254-15261.
Rokem, A. S., Landau, A. N., Garg, D., Prinzmetal, W., and Silver M. A. (2010).
Cholinergic enhancement increases the effects of voluntary attention but does not affect Involuntary Attention.
Neuropsychopharmacology, 35(13), 2538-2544.
Silver, M. A., Landau, A. N., Lauritzen, T. Z., Prinzmetal, W., and Robertson, L. (2010).
Isolating human brain functional connectivity associated with a specific cognitive process.
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XV, edited by BE Rogowitz and TN Pappas, Proceedings of SPIE, 7527, 75270B-1 - 75270B-9.
Landau, A. N., and Bentin, S. (2008).
Attentional and perceptual factors affecting the attentional blink for faces and objects.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 34(4), 818-830.
List, A., Brooks, J.L., Esterman, M., Flevaris, A., Landau, A.N., Bowman, G., Stanton, V., VanVleet, T., Robertson L.C., and Schendel, K.L.P. (2008).
Visual hemispatial neglect, re-assessed.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 14(2), 243-256.
Esterman M., Prinzmetal W., DeGutis J., Landau A., Hazeltine E., Verstynen T., Robertson L. (2008).
Voluntary and involuntary attention affect face discrimination differently.
Neuropsychologia, 46(4), 1032-1040.
Landau, A. N., Esterman, M., Bentin, S., Robertson, L. C., and Prinzmetal, W. (2007).
Different effects of voluntary and involuntary attention on EEG activity in the gamma band.
Journal of Neuroscience, 27(44), (11986-11990).
Aviezer, H., Landau, A.N., Robertson, L.C., Peterson, M.A., Soroker, N., Sacher, Y., Bonneh, Y., and Bentin, S. (2007).
Implicit integration in a case of integrative visual agnosia.
Neuropsychologia, 45(9), (2066-2077).
List A., and Landau A. N. (2006).
Attention and intention, decoded!
Journal of Neuroscience, 26(26), 6907-6908.